Sunday, February 21, 2010


Throughout my climbing "career", I've always set goals, but rarely have I taken them seriously. Lately I've been thinking a lot about how to break the 8b+/14a and 8A/V11 barrier, and I am starting to believe I need to make some concrete, measurable goals for myself in order to motivate myself to train more. So far, I'm thinking the best way to do this is to decide on a series of routes and problems and set a deadline for each. Here they are:

Dr No. Rumney (8b/+ ) 6/1/10
Parallel Universe (8b+) 9/30/10
Supernova (8b+/c) 11/30/10
Something from Nothing (8A)8/1/10
Crouching Dragon (8A)9/1/10

Currently I've only climbed a couple 7C+s, and a single 8b, so I think these goals are challenging enough both in the difficulty of the climbs and the time horizon. Right now I am ~152lbs and 5'9", and it will be interesting to see how this all changes over the course of my training.

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